Pilates Exercise for the Back Online, Suitable for Beginners


Back pain radiating to the upper or lower limbs, damage, or disorders of intervertebral discs are common issues affecting people of various age groups and often progress into a chronic condition. Their main causes may include a sedentary lifestyle, prolonged strain on the spine during desk work, insufficient movement, or improper movement patterns during daily activities.

However, in some cases, congenital disorders may also be underlying. Such difficulties can be easily prevented by active, regular, and proper exercise. A wide range of quality tools for back exercises can also assist you in this endeavor.

The function of the spine

Our spine has three basic functions:

  • it protects the spinal cord,
  • serves as a solid and at the same time flexible support pillar of the human body,
  • allows movement.

The basic building component of the spine is the vertebra. Between individual vertebrae, there is an intervertebral disc that cushions shocks and impacts during movement. The spine is surrounded by muscle groups arranged in several layers. The deepest ones are shorter, ensuring stability and movement between individual segments of the spine. The muscles located on the surface are large and perform primary movements with a wide range, such as bending forward, bending backward, and rotation.

Causes of back pain

Back pain is one of the most common reasons why people visit doctors and, at the same time, a leading cause of disability worldwide. This unpleasant condition can be caused by injury, incorrect movement patterns, but also serious health problems.

The most common causes of back pain:

1. Incorrect movement patterns (lying, sitting, walking)
2. Prolonged sitting or standing (strain on the spine)
3. Scoliosis
4. Injuries, trauma
5. Overloading of joints and soft tissues
6. Disc damage
7. Osteoporosis
8. Physical strain
9. Congenital factors
10. Inflammation
11. Degenerative diseases
12. Excessive sports activity
13. Unilateral stress during sports activities (golf, tennis, etc.)
14. Problems with internal organs in the abdominal cavity or pelvis
15. Oncological diseases

For the fastest treatment of back pain, accurate diagnosis by a doctor is essential.


Effects of Pilates Exercise on Our Spine:

The Deep Stabilization System (DSS) maintains the pelvis and spine in the correct neutral position. During daily activities, our spine is constantly subjected to strain, especially in the cervical and lumbar segments. The back muscles continuously work to provide adequate support to our spine.

The risk of injury due to muscle spasms is greatest during intense strain or improper movement technique. With the Pilates exercise method, you will learn to work with your muscles in harmony with the body's structure, and through this conscious and intelligent movement, you will gradually become more flexible and healthier.

Read also our article: Discover what Pilates is and the effects of regular exercise.

Pilates exercises have beneficial effects on our entire body. If you are experiencing pain resulting from incorrect movement patterns and degeneration of intervertebral discs, Pilates exercises can be particularly beneficial. In addition, regular Pilates exercise can alleviate postural asymmetries, improve flexibility, and enhance muscle strength.

Article written in collaboration with Pilates mentor Denisa Owen.

We have compiled a selection of free online videos for you to learn how to start practicing Pilates and various Pilates exercises for the back.


